O tyred Arglwydd sa(i)f wrth raid

("Duw drosom.")
O tyred, Arglwydd, sâf wrth raid,
  Yn awr o blaid y gwàn:
Mi soddaf mewn dyfnderoedd du
  Oni ddèli Di fi i'r làn.

Mae nerth Dy râs yn llawer mwy
  Na'm beiau oll o'r bron;
Dy hyfryd wên sy'n abl lladd
  Euogrwydd dàn fy mron.

Ni all fy meiau, er eu rhif,
  A'u cynddeiriogrwydd cas,
Eu sgil, eu dyfais faith,
    a'u grym
  I faeddu dim o'th ras.

Mae ynot foroedd pur di-lŷth,
  Heb ddiffyg byth, na thrai,
O gariad anghydmarol cu,
  Fyth fythoedd i barhau.

O! tywallt hwn i'm henaid gwàn
  Sy'n fynych dàn ei boen,
Yn methu credu i'r goncwest râd
  Yn ngwerthfawr waed yr Oen.

            - - - - -

O tyred, Arglwydd, saif wrth raid
  Yn awr o blaid y gwan,
Mi soddaf mewn dyfnderoedd du,
  Oni ddeli fi i'r lan.

Mae ofnau yn finteioedd llawn,
  Rai creulawn iawn eu rhyw:
Yn taeru yn fy wyneb gwan,
  Na feddaf ran yn Nuw.

Af at yr orsedd fel yr wyf,
  Anfeidrol orsedd gras;
Datguddiaf yno 'nghlwfau maith,
  A'm holl archollion cas.

Mae nerth dy ras yn llawer mwy
  Na'm beiau oll o'r bron;
Dy hyfryd wên sy'n gryf i lladd
  'R euogrwydd tan fy mron.

Mae angau, 'r bedd, ac uffern ddu,
  Yn hongian wrth dy groes;
Gorchfygaist ti elynion fil
  Trwy ddyoddef angeu loes.

'Rwy'n dysgwyl wrth d'addewid bur,
  O'r bore hyd y nawn;
Ac os caf brofi'r
    gloyw ddŵr,
  Mi fyddaf ddedwydd iawn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Cologne (alaw Ellmynig)
Ludwig (Ludwig van Beethoven 1770-1827)
Martyrs (Psalmydd Ysgotaidd)
St Mary (Psalmydd E Prys)
Sophia (John Jones 1796-1857)

  Af at yr orsedd fel yr wyf
  Er maint fy llygredd o bob rhyw
  Mae ofnau yn finteioedd llawn
  Nid oes o fewn i mi i gyd
  'Rwy'n disgwyl wrth d'addewid bur
  Wel dyma gyfoeth gwerthfawr llawn
  Yn nyfnder profedigaeth ddu

("God for us.")
O come, Lord, stand at need,
  Now on the side of the weak:
I shall sink in black waters
  Unless Thou hold me up.

The strength of Thy grace is much greater
  Than all my faults altogether;
Thy delightful smile is able to kill
  The guilt under my breast.

Not all my faults, despite their number,
  And their hateful wrath,
Their wiles, their vast scheming,
    and their force, can
  Beat thy grace at all.

In Thee are pure, unfailing seas,
  Without never any deficiency, nor ebbing,
Of dear, incomparable love,
  Forever and ever to endure.

O pour this upon my weak soul
  Which is often under its pain,
Failing to believe in the gracious conquest
  In the precious blood of the Lamb.

                - - - - -

O come, Lord, stand at need
  Now on the side of the weak,
I shall sink in black waters,
  Unless thou hold me up.

Fears are full cohorts,
  Some of a very cruel kind:
Insisting in my weak face,
  That I possess no portion in God.

I shall go to the throne as I am,
  The infinite throne of grace;
I shall reveal there my vast illnesses,
  And all my detestable wounds.

The strength of thy grace is much greater
  Than all my faults altogether;
Thy delightful smile is strong to kill
  The guilt under my breast.

Death, the grave, and black hell are
  Hanging by thy cross;
Thou didst overcome a thousand enemies
  Through suffering the throes of death.

I a waiting on thy pure promise,
  From the morning until the evening;
And if I get to experience
    the shining water,
  I shall be very happy.
tr. 2018,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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